Sunday Reads: 30th December 2012

Marilyn Monroe Photographed

Marilyn, The Master and Melancholia

Kim Morgan ties together three subjects that might at first seem very different.

Made in America

Todd VanDerWerff on the final episode of The Sopranos.

‘Unfilmable’ stories like Life of Pi can make perfect cinema

Tim Robey on adaptations of supposedly unfilmable books.

Awards and Advocacy. How Should We Choose “The Best”?

Nathaniel Rogers on the close-minded thinking and critical echo chamber that often leads to an uninspired series of ‘best’ awards. I also particularly like these lines – “…That will sound odd coming from me since I think of myself as both a film critic and an Oscar pundit but they are EXTREMELY different jobs and should remain so. I just happen to like doing both.”

In Movies With Nudity, What’s the Line Between Ogling and Art?

An interesting piece at The Atlantic on screen nudity from Jason Bailey, focusing on Killer Joe and Compliance.

Zero Dark Thirty’s Wrong and Dangerous Conclusion

Director Alex Gibney weighs in on the controversy surrounding Zero Dark Thirty.

Interview: Kenneth Lonergan

A new interview with the director of Margaret.

The vision science of 48fps

Tim J. Smith (the Continuity Boy) on Higher Frame Rates.

High Frame Rate Video Playback

A brief lesson in HFR at

and another piece at on Shutter Angles 

And finally, a super-cut of passageways in the films of Ozu.