Sunday Reads: 28th October 2012

3D FilmSchool 101: Just How And Why Fox Have Converted I, Robot From 2D To 3D Brendon Connelly reports on the conversion of I, Robot to 3D and goes into detail regarding the considerations made during any 2D to 3D conversion. The Frankenweenie Cell Phone War Another sad story about the inability of adults to act like … Read more

Sunday Reads: 15th July 2012

Thanks to services such as Instapaper and having a Kindle and a new smartphone I’m reading more online writing than I’ve ever done before. And there is so much good stuff out there to read. I’m therefore going to pick out some of the best things I read each week and post a selection of … Read more

Short Takes: May 2012

THE RAID: Well executed action & a nicely grounded filmmaking approach. Iko Uwais is the star though. A big step up from MERANTAU too. MOONRISE KINGDOM: Anderson seems to have hit a bit of wall with Moonrise Kingdom. Style continues to be almost opposed to function & there’s nowhere near as much charm as in his previous … Read more