Steven ‘The Butcher’ Soderbergh Part 2 – Heaven’s Gate

Steven ‘The Butcher’ Soderbergh Part 2 – Heaven’s Gate

Welcome to the second part of a series on Steven ‘The Butcher’ Soderbergh, wherein I take a look at Steven Soderbergh‘s online video releases. Throughout these features I will not only look at the way in which these films do, or do not, work but also try to understand Soderbergh’s possible motivations. In April of 2014, Steven Soderbergh posted a video … Read more

Debating Heaven’s Gate

Adam Batty posted an article at Hope Lies entitled Easy Rider and the Death of the Western which ended with the following paragraph, That it was a western that killed the New Hollywood is apt to the level of poetic beauty, with Michael Cimino’s Heaven’s Gate the ultimate folly of a revitalised film industry born of … Read more