Steven ‘The Butcher’ Soderbergh Part 4 – 2001: A Space Odyssey

Welcome to the fourth and final part of a series on Steven ‘The Butcher’ Soderbergh, wherein I take a look at Steven Soderbergh‘s online video releases. Throughout these features I will not only look at the way in which these films do, or do not, work but also try to understand Soderbergh’s possible motivations. As with his re-cut of Heaven’s Gate, Steven … Read more

Douglas Trumbull Interview

There’s a lot to Silent Running in the technology, the story and the ecological message. What first got you excited about making the film? When I was initially thinking about doing any film I inadvertently came across Tod Browning’s movie The Freaks and there was an amazing character played by Johnny Eck, who could walk on his hands. That … Read more